Antti Marine

The Antti X series announcement event

The Ant­ti X series announce­ment event was held on June 11, 2024 Sei­nä­jo­ki, Fin­land

The unvei­ling of the new Ant­ti X‑series dryer gene­ra­ted a buzz, drawing a nice amount of agricul­tu­ral press to the Hank­ki­ja Kone­kes­kus press con­fe­rence in Sei­nä­jo­ki.

In the gree­tings from the com­pa­ny mana­ge­ment of Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus, we heard about the pro­duct deve­lop­ment of the X‑series mobi­le dryer toget­her with far­mers. The new dryer col­lec­tion meets our cus­to­mers’ wis­hes for dryers in a more affor­dable price cate­go­ry, but whe­re qua­li­ty has not been com­pro­mi­sed. The dryer meets the wis­hes of cur­rent cus­to­mer requi­re­ments and its tech­no­lo­gy is modern tech­no­lo­gy of the 2020s

Tuo­mas Fri­berg from Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus pre­sen­ted the dryer’s fea­tu­res, of which the int­ro­duc­tion of vacuum tech­no­lo­gy to the dryer was par­ticu­lar­ly inte­res­ting. The size options of the dryer were pre­sen­ted, and final­ly we got to see the Ant­ti X476 dryer ins­tal­led on the site.

Con­tact infor­ma­tion

Farm Laaksonen

Laak­so­nen farm is loca­ted in Lie­to, Fin­land. Farm made a dryer invest­ment because some of the for­mer dryers were worn out, and some had poor ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The farm opted for domes­tic Antin dryers, and simul­ta­neous­ly, the old oil hea­ting sys­tem was replaced with an Antin bio-oven and wood chip hea­ting. FARM LAAKSONEN DETAILS The […]

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We are at the AgriTechnica 2023 Exhibition

We have our own booth at the AgriTechnica trade fair, where we are showcasing the latest grain drying solutions.

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Grain drying is moving into the fossil-free era

Renewable fuel oil is coming fast. Antti dryers and heaters will be HVO-compatible from the beginning of 2022.

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