Antti Marine


Laak­so­nen farm is loca­ted in Lie­to, Fin­land. Farm made a dryer invest­ment because some of the for­mer dryers were worn out, and some had poor ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The farm opted for domes­tic Antin dryers, and simul­ta­neous­ly, the old oil hea­ting sys­tem was replaced with an Antin bio-oven and wood chip hea­ting.


  • 950 hec­ta­res of cul­ti­va­ted land
  • Dual dryer
  • Ant­ti vacuum dryer 55MF3
  • Capaci­ty 58,8 m³ / dryer
  • Ant­ti 800kW Bio-oven,Vetocont800, wood chip silo 21 m³
  • Ulti­ma Cont­rol Cen­ter with humi­di­ty mea­su­re­ment and auto­ma­tic fil­ling and emp­tying
  • Buf­fer silos 105 m³ 3 pcs, each with its own high-pres­su­re blower

The dryer takes care of many proces­ses inde­pen­dent­ly, and someo­ne doesn’t have to be the­re all the time to watch and chan­ge batc­hes. I think it’s a very success­ful solu­tion”, says see­mingly deligh­ted Timo Laak­so­nen.

The Antti X series announcement event was held on June 11, 2024 Seinäjoki, Finland

The unveiling of the new Antti X-series dryer generated a buzz, drawing a nice amount of agricultural press to the Hankkija Konekeskus press conference in Seinäjoki.

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Farm Mäenpää

Pro­per dust mana­ge­ment to the grain dryer makes wor­king con­di­tions and the ove­rall qua­li­ty of grain subs­tan­tial­ly bet­ter Mii­ka Mäenpää’s farm (loca­ted in Lapua, Fin­land) was the first farm in the world to try out the Dus­tex dust sepa­ra­tor. Antti’s pro­ducts were used in the farm for more than 20 years with the latest ins­tal­la­tion […]

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We are at the AgriTechnica 2023 Exhibition

We have our own booth at the AgriTechnica trade fair, where we are showcasing the latest grain drying solutions.

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