Antti Marine

Mäenpään tila

Pro­per dust mana­ge­ment to the grain dryer makes wor­king con­di­tions and the ove­rall qua­li­ty of grain subs­tan­tial­ly bet­ter

Mii­ka Mäenpää’s farm (loca­ted in Lapua, Fin­land) was the first farm in the world to try out the Dus­tex dust sepa­ra­tor. Antti’s pro­ducts were used in the farm for more than 20 years with the latest ins­tal­la­tion being Ant­ti stand-alo­ne dryer which was built in 2021. New Dus­tex dust sepa­ra­tors (along­si­de with the pro­per cyclo­nes) were ins­tal­led to the dryer by fall of 2022. Ins­tal­la­tion process was fast and easy.

”All new dust ext­rac­tion has comple­te­ly remo­ved the dust that is nor­mal­ly insi­de and around the dryer. This has also reduced the sound levels of the dryer to a bare mini­mum” say Mii­ka Mäen­pää, the owner of the farm.


Dus­tex remo­ves the dust and debris from the exhaust air of the dryer so the sur­roun­dings of the dryer would stay ext­re­me­ly clean. Dus­tex is con­nec­ted to the axial fan, which absorbs the air and blows it out­si­de.

Mäen­pää Farm’s dryer has a lar­ge gas-fuel­led hea­ter and the impro­ved dust ext­rac­tion has also vast­ly impro­ved the farms fire safe­ty. Having lite­rall no dust and debris, has also done big things to the farms ove­rall wor­king con­di­tions.

Ant­ti pro­mi­ses to deli­ver clo­se to a 90% dust reduc­tion but I’ll have to say that the num­ber might be even hig­her. Sur­roun­dings of the dryer are comple­te­ly free from dust and debris even after the busiest drying sea­son is alrea­dy over.

Ant­ti pro­mi­ses to deli­ver clo­se to a 90% dust reduc­tion but I’ll have to say that the num­ber might be even hig­her. Sur­roun­dings of the dryer are comple­te­ly free from dust and debris even after the busiest drying sea­son is alrea­dy over.


Mäen­pää has now finis­hed two who­le sea­sons using Dus­tex. During the first sea­son he had to work with dry grain and during the second sea­son the crop was main­ly wet. With Dus­tex the end result was just as good during both sea­sons.

Antti’s R&D is cus­to­mer-based and Dus­tex was the end result of this met­hod. It was indeed Mäen­pää who first con­tac­ted Ant­ti about the sub­ject and the­re­fo­re the crea­ti­ve work began for Dus­tex.


  • Ant­ti stand-alo­ne dryer with three sto­ra­ge silos. Dryer was ins­tal­led in 2021
  • Ant­ti Mixflo MF4
  • Skan­dia con­veyer (120 tons)
  • E120 ele­va­tor
  • Dus­tex with a cyclo­ne
  • Capaci­ty of 800 hec­to­li­ter
  • Gas-fuel­led hea­ter (3000 kW)
  • Ulti­ma auto­ma­tion sys­tem

Farm Isotupa

One of the first farms whe­re Ant­ti’s new X‑Series was deplo­yed was Iso­tu­pa’s farm in Lai­ti­la (FI). ‘The­re is a new pro­duct coming soon from Ant­ti that would fit right into this farm’s cur­rent needs,’ were the words from Ant­ti’s fami­liar repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, and the wheels star­ted rol­ling right away. Bar­ley and oats are the main […]

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Martti's farm

A brand-new Ant­ti X365 dryer replaced a grain dryer from the 70’s at Mart­ti’s farm in Salo, Fin­land. The main rea­son for the pro­ject was the X‑Series’ two major sel­ling points: com­pact size com­bi­ned with lar­ger drying capaci­ty. Mart­ti’s farm was alrea­dy fami­liar with Ant­ti’s dryers and silos. The old dryer that was replaced by […]

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Farm Laaksonen

Laak­so­nen farm is loca­ted in Lie­to, Fin­land. Farm made a dryer invest­ment because some of the for­mer dryers were worn out, and some had poor ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The farm opted for domes­tic Antin dryers, and simul­ta­neous­ly, the old oil hea­ting sys­tem was replaced with an Antin bio-oven and wood chip hea­ting. FARM LAAKSONEN DETAILS The […]

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