The Stand Alone dryer is a sensible solution for grain processing. By constructing a separate Stand Alone dryer with round storage silos, we can cut investment costs by about 30% compared to a package dryer. Set-up time for the cladded dryer and silos is short. The foundation costs are affordable.
Batch drying works also for wetter grain
Mixflo batch drying technology is used in the Antti Stand Alone dryer. In it, the grain is dried and recycled through the machinery in batches. It is a safe and easy way to dry grain.
In batch drying, wetter grain can be dried than in continuous drying. Advantages also include speed while avoiding overheating the grain. You can harvest the crop when it suits you. Dried grain is of higher quality and yields better.
The benefits of Mixflo
Antti Mixflo is extremely flexible in varying conditions. In a batch dryer, the grain is circulated through the drying section, drying and then equalising the moisture level of the grain in the top section, again and again, until the entire grain batch is completely dry and of top quality. The initial humidity does not affect the final result and there is no risk of overheating.
How batch drying works
In batch drying, the stages of drying – Filling, Drying, Cooling, Emptying – follow each other and are controlled by automation.
After filling, warm air is blown through the grain in the drying sections, which disperses the moisture in the grain. The feeder at the base unloads the grain from the lower part of the dryer and the elevator lifts it back into circulation to the top section of the dryer. The grain circulates in the machinery until the entire batch has dried to the desired level of moisture. Before being transferred to a store, the batch is cooled by directing cool air to the drying sections.