Antti Marine

Optima 2.0 is here

Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus brin­ging drying auto­ma­tion and remo­te ope­ra­tion wit­hin the reach of all far­mers

Opti­ma 2.0 is a comple­te­ly new basic level cont­rol sys­tem for grain drying, which pro­vi­des auto­ma­tion and remo­te ope­ra­tion pos­si­bi­li­ties, especial­ly for smal­ler farms, at an affor­dable price.

“Thanks to the­se inno­va­tions, we aim to make the far­mer’s eve­ry­day life easier by auto­ma­ting rou­ti­ne proce­du­res and by enabling remo­te cont­rol and moni­to­ring via a smartp­ho­ne, for example,”

says Jou­ni Vir­ta­nie­mi, Com­mercial Mana­ger of Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus.

Special atten­tion has been paid to imple­men­ta­tion and ease of use. In addi­tion to the onli­ne ser­vice, the sys­tem can be cont­rol­led with the touch screen of the cont­rol panel or with tra­di­tio­nal hand switc­hes. 

Thanks to the proac­ti­ve tem­pe­ra­tu­re cont­rol, Opti­ma 2.0 also offers savings in ener­gy costs for drying.

The first sys­tems alrea­dy in use

Fin­land’s first Opti­ma 2.0 grain drying cont­rol sys­tem was put into ope­ra­tion in August 2021 at a Pun­ka­lai­dun farm belon­ging to the Rau­tion­maa agricul­tu­ral coo­pe­ra­ti­ve.

The farm has exis­ted since the midd­le of the 19th cen­tu­ry, and now the fifth gene­ra­tion of the Rau­tion­maa fami­ly, brot­hers Kal­le and Mart­ti, mana­ge the farm. 

With the gene­ra­tio­nal trans­fer having taken place in 2019, the farm bold­ly took steps into the futu­re. More land was added to agricul­tu­ral use, and today the farm cul­ti­va­tes wheat, bar­ley and rye in an area of about 80 hec­ta­res.

Until now, the farm did not have its own dryer. Ins­tead the grain was ship­ped a few kilo­met­res away to be dried.

“As the growth of the agricul­tu­ral sec­tor, the old rou­ti­ne was no lon­ger enough for us, so we deci­ded to invest in our own dryer,”   

explains Kal­le Rau­tion­maa.

Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus was cho­sen as the supplier of the drying sys­tem. 

“The­re were alrea­dy Ant­ti users in the area, from whom we had heard not­hing but good expe­riences.” We were ini­tial­ly inte­res­ted in the Opti­ma sys­tem, but we heard about the new 2.0 ver­sion from Ant­ti’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, and that is the ver­sion we now have here. We’­re the first to use it in Fin­land,”

Rau­tion­maa boasts

The Antti X series announcement event was held on June 11, 2024 Seinäjoki, Finland

The unveiling of the new Antti X-series dryer generated a buzz, drawing a nice amount of agricultural press to the Hankkija Konekeskus press conference in Seinäjoki.

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We are at the AgriTechnica 2023 Exhibition

We have our own booth at the AgriTechnica trade fair, where we are showcasing the latest grain drying solutions.

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Grain drying is moving into the fossil-free era

Renewable fuel oil is coming fast. Antti dryers and heaters will be HVO-compatible from the beginning of 2022.

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