Antti Marine

Antti X365 dryer at Martti's farm

A brand-new Ant­ti X365 dryer replaced a grain dryer from the 70’s at Mart­ti’s farm in Salo, Fin­land. The main rea­son for the pro­ject was the X‑Series’ two major sel­ling points: com­pact size com­bi­ned with lar­ger drying capaci­ty.

Mart­ti’s farm was alrea­dy fami­liar with Ant­ti’s dryers and silos. The old dryer that was replaced by the new X‑Series dryer was actual­ly an Ant­ti model from the 70’s. You could also find Ant­ti’s pro­ducts from the 90’s and 2000’s still being used on this speci­fic farm. When Ant­ti reac­hed out and int­ro­duced the upco­ming mobi­le dryer model, the choice was easy to make.

X‑Series was real­ly con­vincing

We were drea­ming of a new dryer because the old one was real­ly out­da­ted in terms of power and ove­rall drying capaci­ty. Due to this issue, we had to use a ren­tal dryer from the neigh­bo­ring farm. After com­pa­ring it to a few com­pe­ti­tors’ simi­lar pro­ducts, it was clear that Ant­ti’s new pro­duct was the obvious choice due to its com­pact size. In Ant­ti’s X‑Series pro­ducts, the hea­ter is moun­ted upright insi­de the dryer, so it doesn’t need any space in the outer area.

Fast and efficient

The ori­gi­nal plan for Mart­ti’s farm was to use a smal­ler dryer, but in the end, the size was inc­rea­sed to 36.5 cubic meters. The dryer has pro­ven to be just the per­fect size for a farm that uses a total of one hundred hec­ta­re for various crops. Mart­ti’s farm pro­duces wheat, bar­ley, and oats, all of which are sto­red in Ant­ti’s grain silos.

“The drying process was defi­ni­te­ly fast. Not a single batch was damp this year, which of cour­se hel­ped,” says owner Tuuk­ka Mart­ti.

This fall, Mart­ti had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use both a brand-new X365 dryer and a ren­tal dryer from a neigh­bor’s farm.

“The new dryer is much fas­ter. I tur­ned it on almost two hours after star­ting the ren­tal dryer, and it actual­ly comple­ted a sig­ni­ficant­ly lar­ger amount in a much shor­ter time,” says Mart­ti.

Mart­ti also compli­ments the new dryer’s user inter­face. After using a dryer from the last mil­len­nium, it was a bit surpri­sing how easy it was to use the modern touch-screen tech­no­lo­gy that modern dryers uti­lize. Cur­rent tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­des much wider options to opti­mize grain drying and also auto­ma­tes the process, giving the user more free time.

The new Antin X-series dryer next to a metal-colored grain silo, in a concrete yard against the blue sky.

Set­ting up the dryer is inc­re­dibly fast

The dryer was deli­ve­red to the farm in pre-built ele­ments direct­ly from Ant­ti’s fac­to­ry. Since the ele­ments were alrea­dy comple­te, the actual ins­tal­la­tion process was swift, and no ext­ra space was nee­ded for the con­struc­tion process. The dryer was ful­ly set up wit­hin a day, and a hea­vy-lif­ting cra­ne was only nee­ded for a few hours. Assembling the dryer was, of cour­se, a pro­ject in itself, and set­ting up the ele­va­tors and piping also took some time. “It real­ly surpri­sed me how quickly eve­ryt­hing was set up,” admits Tuuk­ka Mart­ti.

One of the big­gest advan­ta­ges of Ant­ti’s X‑Series pro­ducts is that they are pre-built as much as pos­sible befo­re deli­ve­ry. This makes the assembly process and ove­rall user expe­rience as quick and easy as pos­sible.

Aerial view of Martin farm's Antti X-series dryer with silos. A yellow field can be seen in the background.

Farm Isotupa

One of the first farms whe­re Ant­ti’s new X‑Series was deplo­yed was Iso­tu­pa’s farm in Lai­ti­la (FI). ‘The­re is a new pro­duct coming soon from Ant­ti that would fit right into this farm’s cur­rent needs,’ were the words from Ant­ti’s fami­liar repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, and the wheels star­ted rol­ling right away. Bar­ley and oats are the main […]

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Farm Laaksonen

Laak­so­nen farm is loca­ted in Lie­to, Fin­land. Farm made a dryer invest­ment because some of the for­mer dryers were worn out, and some had poor ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The farm opted for domes­tic Antin dryers, and simul­ta­neous­ly, the old oil hea­ting sys­tem was replaced with an Antin bio-oven and wood chip hea­ting. FARM LAAKSONEN DETAILS The […]

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Farm Mäenpää

Pro­per dust mana­ge­ment to the grain dryer makes wor­king con­di­tions and the ove­rall qua­li­ty of grain subs­tan­tial­ly bet­ter Mii­ka Mäenpää’s farm (loca­ted in Lapua, Fin­land) was the first farm in the world to try out the Dus­tex dust sepa­ra­tor. Antti’s pro­ducts were used in the farm for more than 20 years with the latest ins­tal­la­tion […]

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