Antti Marine

New Antti X-Series at Farm Isotupa

One of the first farms whe­re Ant­ti’s new X‑Series was deplo­yed was Iso­tu­pa’s farm in Lai­ti­la (FI). ‘The­re is a new pro­duct coming soon from Ant­ti that would fit right into this farm’s cur­rent needs,’ were the words from Ant­ti’s fami­liar repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, and the wheels star­ted rol­ling right away.

Bar­ley and oats are the main pro­ducts of Isotupa’s farm, and both are pri­ma­ri­ly dried to feed the farm’s own chic­kens. Sugar beets and pota­toes are also pro­duced at the farm. The lar­gest dryer from the X‑Series (X476) was the selec­ted model to accom­pa­ny the old model. The old model was also upda­ted with a lar­ger ele­va­tor. Isotupa’s farm was alrea­dy fami­liar with Antti’s pro­ducts. An Ant­ti grain silo was pre­vious­ly ins­tal­led at the farm.

Ant­ti Leads the Way

The dryer’s size was a key fac­tor because the­re was abso­lu­te­ly no ext­ra space for a big­ger one. Howe­ver, Ant­ti’s X‑Series dryer com­bi­ned com­pact size with a big­ger drying capaci­ty, and its smal­ler size made it easier to build on the selec­ted loca­tion.

Johan Isotupa, farmer

Assembling the dryer was surpri­singly quick

Assembling of Ant­ti X476 dryer began at the break of dawn when the first ele­ment of the pro­ject was lif­ted on the foun­da­tion. Buil­ding cra­ne left the pro­per­ty at noon when the ele­va­tor and the stairs of the dryer were alrea­dy attac­hed.

“That was quick! I was a bit skep­tical but all the ele­ments were ext­re­me­ly quick to assemble.” Johan Iso­tu­pa says.

Foun­da­tion was built one day befo­re the pro­ject star­ted and the ele­ments were deli­ve­red straight from Antti’s fac­to­ry two weeks prior. Eve­ryt­hing went smooth­ly and fast during the day of the actual assembling. 

New, metal-colored Antin X-series dryer, behind which you can see the metal-colored grain silo. In the background, a blue sky and a green field where a tractor is parked.

Drying capaci­ty is excel­lent and it’s also easy to use

The first crop of the sea­son was alrea­dy dried at the farm. Majo­ri­ty of it was dry but the­re was also one batch that was wet.

“The­re was tech­nical­ly no dif­fe­rence between tho­se two batc­hes. Qua­li­ty of the finis­hed pro­duct was just as good in both of them” says Johan Iso­tu­pa con­vincingly.

“X476 is twice as big as the old dryer which means that the ove­rall drying capaci­ty of the farm grew mas­si­ve­ly. New dryer is much easier to use than the old one and it has plen­ty of auto­ma­tion which helps a lot in farmer’s day-to-day work. Ant­ti pro­vi­ded all the tips and tricks about the new dryer and the new dryer was in full force real­ly quickly after the assembling began.”

Ant­ti X‑Series was crea­ted for the pur­po­se of a stand-alo­ne dryer that is quick to assemble and which would also grow the drying capaci­ty. The­re are total of five dif­fe­rents size options in Antti’s X‑Series which means the­re is a right model for eve­ry kind of farm the­re is. 

Metal-colored Antti X-series dryer and silo in front of a red-walled farm.

Martti's farm

A brand-new Ant­ti X365 dryer replaced a grain dryer from the 70’s at Mart­ti’s farm in Salo, Fin­land. The main rea­son for the pro­ject was the X‑Series’ two major sel­ling points: com­pact size com­bi­ned with lar­ger drying capaci­ty. Mart­ti’s farm was alrea­dy fami­liar with Ant­ti’s dryers and silos. The old dryer that was replaced by […]

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Farm Laaksonen

Laak­so­nen farm is loca­ted in Lie­to, Fin­land. Farm made a dryer invest­ment because some of the for­mer dryers were worn out, and some had poor ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The farm opted for domes­tic Antin dryers, and simul­ta­neous­ly, the old oil hea­ting sys­tem was replaced with an Antin bio-oven and wood chip hea­ting. FARM LAAKSONEN DETAILS The […]

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Farm Mäenpää

Pro­per dust mana­ge­ment to the grain dryer makes wor­king con­di­tions and the ove­rall qua­li­ty of grain subs­tan­tial­ly bet­ter Mii­ka Mäenpää’s farm (loca­ted in Lapua, Fin­land) was the first farm in the world to try out the Dus­tex dust sepa­ra­tor. Antti’s pro­ducts were used in the farm for more than 20 years with the latest ins­tal­la­tion […]

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