Antti Marine



What kind and size of dryer would be the best solution in our case? Which type of heater would make the most sense when considering investment and operating costs? How does automation work in practice? How much drying can be monitored or even controlled remotely?

Acquiring a completely new dryer is a large project, the planning of which should be started well in advance. It is worth starting the planning even a couple of years earlier, especially if we are talking about a customised package dryer, the acquisition of which involves, for example, applying for investment aid and a building permit.

Read more about how to build a dryer

Active planning and mapping of options should be started together with Hankkija's dryer expert salesperson. They have up-to-date and practical knowledge of modern drying technology. If necessary, Hankkija's representatives obtain more in-depth information from the dryer experts of Antti-Teollisuus.

When the project progresses further, you can get, for example, the high-quality master drawings of a package dryer from Antti without a separate charge.