Antti Marine

Iso-Antti grain silo – The story of Iso-Antti

First steps of Iso-Ant­ti

As farm sizes are inc­rea­sing and the price of grain varies more than befo­re, a new trend of inc­rea­sing sto­ra­ge faci­li­ties is emer­ging in agricul­tu­re. This is due to farms nee­ding to inc­rea­se their sto­ra­ge units in order to make ope­ra­tions more cost-effec­ti­ve.

Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus wan­ted to meet the needs of far­mers with even big­ger silos, which it named Iso-Ant­ti.



Fluc­tua­tions in grain prices and cons­tant­ly growing faci­li­ties crea­ted a need in the mar­ket for lar­ger silos and sto­ra­ge solu­tions. Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus deci­ded to accept the chal­len­ge.



The idea of a lar­ger silo was trans­fer­red to the plan­ning sta­ge. It is always neces­sa­ry to start with blank sla­te when crea­ting somet­hing new. Fluc­tua­tions in grain prices and cons­tant­ly growing faci­li­ties crea­ted a need for lar­ger silos and sto­ra­ge solu­tions in the mar­ket.



A comple­te­ly new pro­duc­tion line was requi­red for the new Iso-Ant­ti grain silos, because the sup­por­ting struc­tu­res of the silos were plan­ned to be built from special-pur­po­se steel. An impor­tant fac­tor was also the intent to build most parts of the Iso-Ant­ti silos domes­tical­ly here in Fin­land. Only the auger con­vey­ors and regu­lar con­vey­ors for the Iso-Ant­ti grain silos would be manu­fac­tu­red in Swe­den.



On 31 August, a press con­fe­rence was held whe­re Iso-Ant­ti final­ly saw the light of day, when two Iso-Ant­ti grain silos were erec­ted as a pilot pro­ject at the Lai­tia­la esta­te in Hol­lo­la. As anot­her pilot pro­ject, one Iso-Ant­ti grain silo was erec­ted on the Här­kä­lä farm in Huit­ti­nen.



At the Agricul­tu­ral Mac­hi­ne­ry Tra­de Fair, the gene­ral public was also able to get to know Iso-Ant­ti, and even touch it. The Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus exhi­bi­tion stand con­sis­ted of half of Iso-Ant­ti’s roof piece, in order to be able to show how big Iso-Ant­ti real­ly is.



Mass pro­duc­tion of Iso-Ant­ti grain silos will start in ear­ly 2023 toget­her with the first deli­ve­ries.

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