Antti Marine

AgriTechnica 2023 Exhibition

Meet us at the Agri­Tech­nica 2023 Exhi­bi­tion in Novem­ber in Hano­ver, Ger­ma­ny. Our booth is H44 in Hall 6.

We have our own booth at the Agri­Tech­nica tra­de fair, whe­re we are showca­sing the latest grain drying solu­tions.

Our pro­ducts for far­mers are renow­ned for their dura­bi­li­ty, relia­bi­li­ty, modi­fia­bi­li­ty, and repai­ra­bi­li­ty. Desig­ned and manu­fac­tu­red in Fin­land with a focus on high qua­li­ty, we are the lar­gest and most well-known brand in Fin­land, and a trus­ted part­ner throug­hout Euro­pe.

Are you inte­res­ted in col­la­bo­ra­ting with us? Come and chat with us at our booth H44 in Hall 6. We are keen to expand our coo­pe­ra­tion network in Euro­pe.

Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus is a fami­ly com­pa­ny with own pro­duc­tion and R&D. We ensu­re that our equip­ment is sup­por­ted for years to come. Cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion mea­su­ring is regu­lar­ly made and it is pro­ven to be on a high level.

Con­tact us!

Samp­sa Mäki­nen
Export Sales Mana­ger

The Antti X series announcement event was held on June 11, 2024 Seinäjoki, Finland

The unveiling of the new Antti X-series dryer generated a buzz, drawing a nice amount of agricultural press to the Hankkija Konekeskus press conference in Seinäjoki.

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Farm Laaksonen

Laak­so­nen farm is loca­ted in Lie­to, Fin­land. Farm made a dryer invest­ment because some of the for­mer dryers were worn out, and some had poor ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The farm opted for domes­tic Antin dryers, and simul­ta­neous­ly, the old oil hea­ting sys­tem was replaced with an Antin bio-oven and wood chip hea­ting. FARM LAAKSONEN DETAILS The […]

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Grain drying is moving into the fossil-free era

Renewable fuel oil is coming fast. Antti dryers and heaters will be HVO-compatible from the beginning of 2022.

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