Antti Marine

Antti-Teollisuus announced Finland's largest grain silo

The giant silos of Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus quadruple grain sto­ra­ge capaci­ty

Thanks to their comple­te­ly domes­tic pro­duct deve­lop­ment and lar­ge invest­ments, Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus Oy brings giant-sized grain silos to the mar­ket. The new Iso-Ant­ti grain silos with their quadrupled capaci­ty lower sto­ra­ge costs sig­ni­ficant­ly.

The first grain silos erec­ted as a pilot pro­ject were comple­ted this sum­mer and the official announce­ment event was held on 31 August 2022. 

The bene­fits of a giant silo

The domes­tical­ly-pro­duced Iso-Ant­ti silos, desig­ned for nort­hern con­di­tions, take grain sto­ra­ge to the limit. The volu­me of one Iso-Ant­ti, depen­ding on the num­ber of layers and acces­so­ries, is somew­he­re between 732 and 1,911 cubic met­res. The dia­met­res of the Iso-Ant­ti grain silos are 10.6 and 12.1 met­res.

A single lar­ge silo, com­pa­red to seve­ral smal­ler silos, pro­duces a more favo­rable price per cube for grain sto­ra­ge, because the invest­ment cost per cube of grain dec­rea­ses. It also requi­res less foun­da­tion work. The fil­ling and emp­tying devices of the lar­ge silo are sig­ni­ficant­ly more efficient in capaci­ty.

It has pre­vious­ly been pos­sible to order silos of a simi­lar size from Euro­pe and North Ame­rica. Fin­nish pro­duc­tion eli­mi­na­tes mas­si­ve freight costs from abroad.

Enlar­ging the silos has not been a simple pro­ject

Special-pur­po­se steel is nee­ded for the new silos, and a comple­te­ly new pro­duc­tion line with equip­ment has been built for its proces­sing. 

“The pro­ject star­ted with a clean sla­te. All strength calcu­la­tions and manu­fac­tu­ring plans were comple­te­ly rema­de”

says Jou­ni Vir­ta­nie­mi, Com­mercial Mana­ger of Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus.

The dura­tion of the pro­ject from pro­duct design and buil­ding the pro­duc­tion line to the erec­ting of the pilot sites and tes­ting and launc­hing the pro­ducts has las­ted 2.5 years. 

First deli­ve­ries in 2023

Orders are alrea­dy being accep­ted and deli­ve­ries will start in 2023.

The Antti X series announcement event was held on June 11, 2024 Seinäjoki, Finland

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We are at the AgriTechnica 2023 Exhibition

We have our own booth at the AgriTechnica trade fair, where we are showcasing the latest grain drying solutions.

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Grain drying is moving into the fossil-free era

Renewable fuel oil is coming fast. Antti dryers and heaters will be HVO-compatible from the beginning of 2022.

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