Antti Marine

70 years of Antti-Teollisuus

Not alo­ne, but toget­her – 70 years of Ant­ti

Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus is a Salo-based fami­ly com­pa­ny that ser­ves its cus­to­mers with plea­su­re. Ant­ti-Teol­li­suus offers efficient, eco­no­mical and reliable ove­rall solu­tions for grain proces­sing and drying for agricul­tu­re, as well as manu­fac­tu­res ship doors for the mari­ne industry.

Ant­ti’s roots are in 1952 in Kuus­joen­pe­rä, whe­re a one-man blacks­mith shop lear­ned the for­mu­la for sur­vi­val after a slow start: We lis­ten to our cus­to­mers care­ful­ly and action is taken wit­hout delay.

Even today, whet­her the issue is digi­ta­li­sed grain proces­sing or the doors of the world’s most luxu­rious crui­se ships, Ant­ti’s success is based on the same thin­king model. Our mis­sion is to deli­ver qua­li­ty pro­ducts that impro­ve the cus­to­mer’s pro­duc­ti­vi­ty. And if chal­len­ges ari­se, a solu­tion will be deve­lo­ped so that the cus­to­mer is satis­fied.

This for­mu­la has wor­ked so far. Alt­hough the­re is a lot avai­lable and on offer on the mar­ket, the pro­ducts of the Ant­ti fami­ly busi­ness have beco­me mar­ket lea­ders. We work so that you can achie­ve more.

The Antti X series announcement event was held on June 11, 2024 Seinäjoki, Finland

The unveiling of the new Antti X-series dryer generated a buzz, drawing a nice amount of agricultural press to the Hankkija Konekeskus press conference in Seinäjoki.

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We are at the AgriTechnica 2023 Exhibition

We have our own booth at the AgriTechnica trade fair, where we are showcasing the latest grain drying solutions.

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Grain drying is moving into the fossil-free era

Renewable fuel oil is coming fast. Antti dryers and heaters will be HVO-compatible from the beginning of 2022.

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